Monday, September 27, 2010

Men can be dogs. Women shouldn't learn to bark.

I’ve never felt like I deserve the love of the amazing woman who agreed to be my wife. When I was first told that she liked me when I was 14 years old I knew it had to be a lie. How could she? She was so amazing, and I was not. At that time I’d discovered my writing ability, and cared about little else. I wanted to make it as a writer, or do nothing. I really didn’t care. I paid no attention in school, and got consistently bad grades because I honestly didn’t care. I was okay with ruining my life.

The rumors persisted that she liked me, however, and I responded by actually asking her out. We were both 14 on that day, and since that August 15th in 1999 we have been together. Why she was ever interested I still can’t say. I can say that I am very thankful, for my life changed thanks to her. God knew what He was doing when He placed her in my life because I now had someone else to care about. I didn’t want to ruin her life if I failed as a writer. I wanted to deserve her, and I worked to. I still do. She’s amazing. I love her. I want her to know she made a good choice.

I say all this mostly for any women out there, whether they’re 12 or 51, who think they ever have to give anything up for a man. Don’t. Too many women have been too loose with when they’re willing to spread their legs for a man, and that has allowed too many men to focus on women only as sexual objects. Lots of men don’t try hard for women because they don’t really need to.

Are such boys really what women want? Do women really think they need to lower themselves for these guys because the examples set by the media, Lady Gaga, and Grey’s Anatomy tell us that sex is just something you do with anyone you feel a slight amount of affection for? Actually, you can forget the affection. Just do it. Just give it up to any guy who is able to do it with you. It’ll be fun.

This is so stupid. Don’t allow men to just have what they want from you, and run off. The Bible tells us that a husband must love his wife as Jesus loves the church. If a man doesn’t love you enough to put a ring on that finger, and say I do in front of an alter than don’t you ever let him touch you. Afraid a guy might leave you if you don’t put out? Let him. He doesn’t deserve what you’ve got. You are amazing. You are special. You are worthy of someone who will fight for you, and who will work to deserve you. You are worthy of someone who loves you like Jesus loved the church.

Don’t settle for anything less. There are good guys out there. There will be even more of them if fewer women spread their legs easily for the bad guys. There are enough good ones, however, and while they may struggle with the same things that are common to man they will not just give into those urges. They fight to be pure, and even some of the bad ones can become good ones if you make them. Don’t give it up for them. Keep those legs closed. Do not have sex with anyone before marriage. You’ve got what men want to have, and they should have to prove they are worthy of it.

Every woman out there is amazing, beautiful, and deserving of a good man who will work to deserve them. God made you for good, and not so some trashy guy can make you into his trashy girl. A guy should have to work for the joy of being in your presence. Sex cannot be the main thing he seeks, but he should instead be motivated by his love for you. When you get a man who loves you, who would die for you, who puts his needs before your own, and who marries you before God that’s someone who you can trust with everything.

Even if you’ve already had premarital sex it isn’t too late to find that. God forgives all sins, and he can rescue you from the unfulfilling path you have yourself set on. He has something better for you, and you deserve better. You deserve a man who will fight to deserve you.

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