Tuesday, January 18, 2011

At the Well: Waterpots

The starting words of the next verse are perhaps the most impactful of this entire story. They show the reaction of the woman to all Jesus has told her about himself. She doesn’t need to tell us if she’s accepted the truth. These starting words are in John 4:28:

“The woman than left her waterpot,”

They may not seem like much, but these words are like an explosion. They’re huge. The woman went to the well because she was thirsty, and then she left her waterpot. How could she do this? It was more than just her being forgetful. The woman got what Jesus taught her.

The truth so touched the woman she forgot her need for water because the love of Jesus so filled her. That really is amazing, and shows what the truth can do to a person. When we finally accept the grace Jesus Christ offers us we can forget all these other things we use to fill ourselves up. We won’t need to constantly find a new person to have sex with, for we’ll find that grace fills us more than those hollow relationships ever could. We won’t need to always find new ways to acquire money, for Jesus can make us more rich than wealth ever could. We won’t always need to buy new video games when we accept Jesus can offer us so much more than created experiences ever can. We can leave these things when we bow down to the throne of righteousness, and accept that what we really need to be filled with is the living water offered to us by Jesus Christ.

The woman left her waterpot. What do we need to leave? We can leave it, for Jesus can make us never go thirsty again. We can abandon our sin. We can overcome it. We can continue to have things like money, video games, and sex (with our spouses), but we can live free of the chains such things can put on us. We can realize we don’t need to turn to such things to be filled. The only thing that can really fill us, and leave us full is Jesus. We can leave our waterpots. We can be filled with Him.

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