Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election thoughts

When getting fired up about an election it's easy to lose sight of things a bit. As we go out in vote, and watch the results I just wanted to point out a few things:

-We may vote Democrat, Republican, Green, The Rent is Too...High, or for any other party, but our faith should not be in that party. Our faith should be in God.

-What we believe when it comes to politics should arise from the person God within us is teaching us to be. This means we shouldn't necessarily hold a certain political belief because the party we usually vote for tells us we should. We should think for ourselves, and make our decisions based on the person our Lord teaches us to be.

-Don't only pray for those you vote for. Pray for all candidates. Pray that Lord the Lord will make sure those who will honor Him, and bring glory to His name gain power this day. We may not know what a candidate is hiding from us, but the Lord knows. Let Him divide the good seed from the bad. He knows who should be in power better than we do.

-Vote. Don't think this is unimportant. 1 and 2 Kings taught us regularly that when the leaders of a nation are good the nation is good, and when the leaders of a nation is bad the nation is bad. I love my country, and want it to stay a blessed nation. We should do our part in trying to make sure it does.

-Don't be afraid to bring your religion into your politics. The interpretation of the separation of church and state today is usually out of sync with what our forefathers meant. Even if we strictly believe, however, what some try to claim it as we cannot separate our religion from our politics. God is always within us, and it's stupid to try and pretend like He shouldn't be when we vote. He should. He'll guide us right.

Finally, whatever happen today, and whoever gets elected remember to praise the Lord. Pray for those who are going into or staying in office. Trust God. Remember that all things can work together for the good of those who serve Him. He can work in our nation no matter who is leading it.

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