Friday, November 19, 2010


How is it that we, as people, naturally respond to someone sinning against us? When we are wronged by someone, or someone hurts us in some way how are we naturally inclined to respond? Sometimes with sadness, and by inflicting pain upon ourselves, but not always. Not usually. The most commonly accepted way to respond to someone hurting us is not granting forgiveness. It is seeking revenge.

I know this has been true in my own life. When I was in high school a classmate of mine took this coat I loved and kicked it across the floor. The coat was covered and dust, and pretty much ruined. I did not respond by turning my eyes to heaven, and crying out, “Father, forgive him this sin.” No. I got angry. I wanted revenge. I declared to others this desire for revenge. I didn’t see this classmate all day, and I spent that night plotting how I would get him back.

Fortunately, it didn’t turn out all that bad. I had cooled off about it by the next morning, and word had gotten to him. He was mature enough to apologize, and I got over it without inflicting the pain upon him I initially wanted to. I could have sought revenge, but I backed off. That’s good. The Bible warns us against this clearly. It’s written in 1 Thessalonians 5:15:

“See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.”

The world teaches us to seek revenge. The Lord teaches us to be good to those who are evil to us. The world teaches us to harm whoever harms us. The Lord teaches us to always seek what is good for ourselves and for all. The world teaches us revenge is good. The Lord teaches us revenge is evil.

Seeking revenge is never acceptable under any circumstance.
When many of us are wronged our main desire is to get back at the one who wronged us. We must turn against this foolish thinking, and never seek revenge. What kind of a massacre would there be if the Lord took revenge against all of those who have ever wronged him? He forgives and forgets, and we must do the same. We cannot seek revenge, but must respond to sin with immediate forgiveness. Under no circumstance is revenge considered acceptable.

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