Monday, February 7, 2011

Wait for the Good

I don’t think anyone will deny that a large part of the world now rejects the idea of marriage. It’s called archaic, outdated, and old-fashioned. Many who have been married ended up divorced, and no longer trust it. Many have been impacted by marriages falling apart, and don’t want to deal with such things. A lot has caused this rejection.

The thing about this is that in the vast majority of cases what is really being rejected is the idea of marriage that doesn’t reflect what God created marriage to be. The idea is that two virgins get married, and are only ever with each other. The problems started to arise when we got impatient, and didn’t want to follow this design. We started having sex before marriage. We started moving in together. This singular thing made it that when we got married it didn’t have that special quality we always imagined. This was our fault, but we were blinded by that. We blamed other things, and usually our spouses. We got divorced, had sex with some people before marriage again, and somehow thought that trying the exact same thing would make things end different. When a formula doesn’t work it should be rejected, and yet we stay loyal to the plan that leads to failed marriages.

Well, that’s not entirely true. Eventually we realize this doesn’t work, and we remain blind. Being blind we can’t see that our sexual immorality is what brought marriage down. We can’t see that, and instead choose to blame marriage itself. We choose to just have sex when we want with who we want, live with them when it feels nice, and move out when it all falls apart. We think we’re sophisticated for this rejection of marriage, but that just shows how blind we are. What we’ve actually done is tainted a beautiful thing, and threw it out after we got it dirty.

This is not how it should be. We should understand the problems, and realize that marriage will not be right until we do it right. We should wait to have sex. We should not live with someone we aren’t married to. Sounds like missing out on fun, but it’s just the opposite. By doing these things outside of marriage we rob ourselves of the amazing thing marriage really can be. Marriage is sacred. Once we realize that is when we can fix it. Once we learn to keep the things that were only meant for marriage out of our lives until marriage we’ll find that marriage is something worth the effort. It really can be amazing, but only if we don’t keep destroying it. Sure, not everyone who does it right will have a great marriage, and not everyone who does it wrong will have a terrible one, but I guarantee that those who do it right have a much higher chance of having a wonderful marriage that last forever. Wait for the good. It’s worth it.

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