Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mistakes, part 6

6.We may need to spend some time in the belly of the big fish in order for God to set us back on the right path.

I know I’ve mentioned Jonah a couple of times already, but that’s because his journey teaches us so much about mistakes. It’s taught me a lot, and been on my mind extensively as God has taken me on this incredible journey.

Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights. Before he was even there he was on a ship hit by a powerful storm. Jonah says right in verse 12 of chapter 1 “I know this great tempest is because of me.” That shows something significant. Jonah knew God was throwing stuff at him to keep him from running away from his purpose. Jonah still didn’t care. He didn’t want to go to Ninevah, and he wasn’t going to change his mind just because of a storm. What it took instead was him spending three days and nights in the belly of the big fish. Not pleasant for Jonah, but the end result of his repentance was remarkable.

God can and will do the same thing to us if we refuse him too long. He can put us in the belly of the big fish (figuratively) in any number of ways. Perhaps someone’s been ignoring the call of the Lord in order to get that big promotion at work. Maybe He’ll let them get it, and through that they’ll suddenly realize what they thought they always wanted was only going to destroy them. On the other hand, he could rip something away from them that was an excuse. They could lose the job they were never meant to have. There are countless ways God could give you a big fish moment, and He knows just how to make sure the big fish he sends your way has the maximum impact.

There will likely be warnings to this. God will usually try to help us see the truth the easy way on more than one occasion before He brings out the big guns. God used a storm with Jonah. With us He could use rejection, show us an opportunity to serve Him, or open our eyes to something we never knew. He could do a lot, but we could also be very determined to run. I was. God put churches like Northside, Seacoast, Emmanuel, and Elevation before me to help me see the truth, but I refused. His big fish for me was letting me come to Korea where I was finally willing to admit who I was, and what I was supposed to do.

Try to listen to God, and don’t make Him use the big fish. Jonah had to spend three days in the belly of the big fish. He could have repented immediately, but that didn’t mean he could just be let out right away. Sometimes getting out of the big fish takes time. Paul is another good display of this. It took Jesus directly speaking to him on the road to Gethsemane for him to change his ways. He knew the truth from the moment he was spoken to, but he still had to endure the scales over his eyes. I have to stay in Korea for a few months to make sure my mistake doesn’t negatively impact others. Anyone else who God has to big fish may have to stay in that big fish a while to clean up the mess. It’s just the way it goes sometimes if we are too hard headed to listen to God before he really has to step in, and knock some sense into us.

The final thing I’ll say on this point is do not be discouraged if God has to get you with the big fish. Remember that what this really means is that what God has in store for you is important enough to Him that he’s willing to do big things to us to make you see that. Consider it God’s big push to get you where you’re supposed to be. That’s amazing. Be thankful He loves you enough to pursue you in such a mighty way.

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