Friday, August 6, 2010

Mistakes, part 8

8. God will take drastic action if required.

Similar to point 6, but distinct.

It’s possible for us to get our heads so wrapped into the alternate path we’ve created for ourselves that even if we want to follow the right path we can’t see the way. Maybe life has beaten us up. Maybe there are too many people around us telling us too many different things. Maybe all the TV, music, games, and other media around us just gets in our head all the time. Maybe there was or is someone in our lives whose voice in our head keeps us from realizing the truth. Maybe there’s a sin we just don’t think we can overcome.

This can even happen in church. We may listen to different pastors, and each one tells us a different thing about what it is to be called. We may read different Christian books, and each one tells us a different way to interpret the same scripture. Everything sounds like good advice, but our attempts to apply everything we’ve learned together messes with our heads. Maybe we can find a hundred reasons to go in one direction, and a hundred reasons to go in another. Maybe there are countless directions you could take your life in and feel justified because you’ve compiled so much information to help you justify it.

This is essentially what happens when we try to use human logic to determine God’s will for our lives. This is what I tried to do, and is why I’m currently in Korea. We look at all the evidence, and determine what logically makes sense for us to do. I’d compiled a long laundry list of reasons that I used to justify teaching overseas that I used to convince myself and others it was the right thing to do. My head had gotten cluttered, and it became difficult for me to realize the truth. I applied human logic to the decision, and ended up here.

The problem with that is God is a lot smarter than we are. Our own human logic cannot compete with God’s divine revelation. Sometimes what God wants us to do is what seems most illogical. Is it logical for a boy in no armor to use a single stone to fight a giant? Is it logical for someone who was sold into slavery by his own brothers to become one of the most powerful men in Egypt? Is it logical for the only sinless man to ever walk the face of the earth to die for the sinning masses? No. It is not logical, but God doesn’t usually work in logic. He works in miracles. His understanding surpasses our own, but we can sometimes get so wrapped up in the situations of our lives, our own excuses, the things of this world, or the voice in our head telling us we’re not good enough that we cannot see the truth even when it’s right in front of us.

If we really want to do the Lord’s will with our lives He is going to make sure we find out just what that is. Things had gotten so messed up in my head that God had to bring me to Korea in order for me to be able to see through all the clutter that had made it nearly impossible for me to see the truth. He took drastic action with me, and the scriptures show us countless times where he took drastic action with others. This could be a big fish moment as it was with Jonah, or it could be just helping you get to a place where you can clearly hear His voice.

Jesus walked this earth as a human. He understands our struggles, and the things that keep us from seeing the truth. If we authentically pray to Him that we want to know the right path for our lives He will take such drastic action to help us see the truth. He took drastic action with me. I don’t say this so others will think I’m important, or will pat me on the back. This isn’t about me. I’m just one man, and God took drastic action with me to get me back on the right path. He will take such measures with all who would call on His name.

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