Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Prayer List

I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time knowing just what to say during prayers. I’m not talking about the spontaneous prayer, but when you sit down and talk to God about important things. There’s always so much to ask.

How long should I pray? What can I say during prayer without God thinking I’m doing it for a pretense? Is this a good thing to pray about? Will God only hear my prayers if I use the language of the King James Bible, and end most words with th? How can I really connect with Him? This is just a small sample. These are just a few things I struggle with. I am no prayer warrior. I get distracted during prayers. I have trouble focusing. I think about other things. When I pray well it’s great, but when I don’t it bugs me. I enjoy prayer, and believe it is one of the most essential parts of maintaining a good relationship with the Lord. I think when we don’t pray regularly enough it gives Satan a chance to break in. We can start to change into darker people without prayer. Prayer protects us from that.

How then should we pray? I can’t answer that completely and not nearly as well as Christ did with the Lord’s Prayer. I can only offer advice. What I started to do years ago was keep a list of the things I thought were important enough to pray about every time I said my prayers. This helps me those times I have trouble focusing, for I can just look at my list and see what I haven’t prayed about yet. Your list can look very different than mine, but I’ll share mine since I know this could help some people with their prayer life:

Forgiveness-I first ask forgiveness of sins. I know I’ve already received this. I know I have grace. I just feel like I should never forget my need for it.

Jesus-I thank the Lord for sending Jesus to die for me, and for everyone else. I ask Him to help others to accept Jesus as their savior. I ask that He helps me to play whatever part in bringing salvation to others that He desires for me.

My wife and me-I pray about specific things involving me and my wife. Different things can take priority on different days, but I always thank Him for the wonderful relationship we share. I ask Him to help us to always be a good husband and wife to each other, and good servants to Him.

Protection-I ask God to protect me, my wife, our families, and all innocent people against those that would threaten us, and anything else throughout the night and day.

Family-I pray for our families; that God help them through their individual struggles. I pray that they will all accept Christ, and be saved.

Obama-This used to say Bush. I always pray for the President. Ask that God protect him, and help him make the best decisions he can for the US. I pray for all others in position of power in the government, and ask that he help them make right decisions. I ask that He ensures they can’t do anything if what they desire will harm the US, and that the American people will throw them out of office if they aren’t trying to do the right things. I offer up the same prayer for South Korea.

Soldiers-I pray that God protect soldiers, help them to stop those that threaten them, and give them all of His qualities they need.

Terrorism-I pray that terrorism be wiped out from the earth, and thank God for all terrorist attacks that have been stopped.

Israel-I pray that Israel and the Palestinian people can find peace with each other. I pray Israel can share such peace with all its neighbors, but that it will also know how to best defend itself against any threats.

World Stuff-Lots of stuff can fall into this part, but usually focuses on Iran and North Korea. I pray that war can be avoided with these two nations, but that the world will realize it before it’s too late if it can’t. I pray for freedom for those in these countries, and that they can live in a place where the gospel can be spread without persecution. I pray that such freedom will come to all places throughout this world.

The United States-I thank God for protecting the US, and ask that He continues to. I thank Him for blessing the US, and ask that it continue to be a nation He wants to bless.

Countries threatened by terrorism-I pray for those in Iraq, Afghanistan, and in all countries that are threatened by terrorism, and we’ve sent aid to. I pray for the people and soldiers in these countries, and ask that God helps make sure those that would threaten them cannot accomplish anything they would hope to accomplish. I pray that people in such places will achieve the freedom from such things they seek.

Threatened-I pray for those threatened by anything throughout the world. Abusive parents, human trafficking, wars, genocides, diseases, natural disasters, anything. I pray they be able to stop what it is, but if they can’t that they can at least flee from such things so they can have freedom in their lives. I pray that those who are in danger get out of it before it’s too late. I pray that others be willing and able to help them, and if it be His will let that person be me.

Suffering-I pray for God to help all those that suffer for any reason. I sometimes speak about specific things such as those who suffer because of the flooding in Pakistan and China, but also speak in general terms about any suffering. I pray that those who suffer because of the evil of others can forgive those who hurt them so they will not be consumed by their anger, and those who hurt them will not have additional victories over them. I also ask that He make sure they cannot harm anyone else ever again. I ask that God comfort all those who’ve lost loved ones, and help those who’ve been injured to recover from their injuries. I ask that all those who need aid receive whatever aid they need from both God and man. I pray that I help where I can. I pray that those who can help do not hold back, but give in abundance. I pray that none blame God, but instead come to Him for divine comfort in their time of need. Finally, I pray that all things be used for good, and that everything be used so some will come to know Christ who would not have before.

Dreams-I pray that I don’t have bad dreams and that I realize what it means if he chooses to speak to me in mine.

Other-Always leave space to pray for additional things. Sometimes a praise. Sometimes a request. Sometimes many things. Helps me remember important things. I occasionally like to continually pray for those that lost loved ones on 9/11, and ask God continue to help them as they go about their lives without their loved ones. I pray for those whose loved ones have disappeared, and they have spent days, months, or years wondering where they are. I thank God for all He’s blessed me with. I discuss certain events, or just seek counsel. Other can mean anything.

Prayers-I pray that God hear the prayers of all others, and ask that He answers them in whatever way is best according to His will. I thank Him for the ability to even know Him, and ask that he always help me to pray to Him just as one of His closest disciples would.

Wrapping it up-I ask that His will be done in my life and the lives of all others. I pray that he will give me a servant’s spirit. I tell Him I love Him. I ask Him to remember anything I may have forgotten.

The Lord’s Prayer-I always conclude with this. Very important to me.


There’s my list. Usually takes me about 15 minutes. I don’t say these exact words. I don’t like just reciting. I want to mean what I pray. My list may be odd, but it is a reflection of what is important to me. Yours should be a reflection of what’s important to you.

One final word of advice. Don’t always follow your list in the order you write things down. Jump around the page. Mix things up. This helps your mind to stay focused and active. Helps you to hear the words you say, and not just recite them. Whatever you do make sure you always pray. Prayer is talking to God. No life is really complete without it.

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